Agitated political racialism raises its head ... what is going to happen to the country?
3 weeks after April 21st Easter Sunday attack, Sri Lanka's image one more has been smeared being subjected to unpleasant dialogues which has emerged from anti-Muslim counter-attacks.
The feature that does not seem to fall in line with is that though the attack on 21st was launched across the clan headed by National Thawheed Jamath representing IS Organisation to carry out a revenge on an international basis by targeting Catholic churches and foreigners. However, already
counter-attacks are to be seen with Sinhala Buddhists and average Muslims being targeted in the process. The slogan adopted in this instance happens to be the boycotting of Muslim shops and Muslim educational institutions and being closed down etcetera.
counter-attacks are to be seen with Sinhala Buddhists and average Muslims being targeted in the process. The slogan adopted in this instance happens to be the boycotting of Muslim shops and Muslim educational institutions and being closed down etcetera.
The ulterior motive of these antagonists is to sweep away 20 lakhs (2 million) of Muslim nationals living in Sri Lanka -- which is indeed is a tough task for that matter. Particularly, Sinhala Buddhist extremism which sometime back tried to root out the above law once again has come to stage to achieve the previously mentioned incongruous objective, it seems.
When inquiring as for what purpose these clashes occur, what is realised from reports of Intelligence Service Units is that, according to an article published yesterday (13) by AFP News Agency is that the motive is to fire up clashes at a number of places in the island in an organised manner and to continue this state of affairs from time to time by throwing the country into instability till forthcoming elections and thereby bring up the alternative that 'it is so and so' who is able to change this situation at the next elections -- thus highlighting it in a big way, the newspaper further says.
Though new keeps streaming in by now about deaths resulting from riots reported from various corners of the island, all local media refrain from divulging it till such time as it is confirmed by police media reports in order to prevent racialist ideas being sown around. Commotion that resulted in several places in North Western province and most of the protests launched in front of police stations particularly were directed by young groups of people who behaved with an agitated mentality and it is reported that demands such as 'a nation should be swept away!' implying that neither nor the police or the state is capable of providing a solution.
In the process, Intelligence sources have come to know information about social media powers active in the background in this context. It then is the hope of youngsters to see that IS targets be launched as soon as possible towards Sinhala Buddhists when Sinhala Buddhists were not their target as such.
Prabhakaran at a later stage was motivated in grabbing a part of the country because shops and houses of Tamils were set up on fire in Black July (Kalu Juliya) which erupted in 1983 with the objective of chasing them away which was the stupid action of Sinhala racists ... which fact is known by elders who are beyond the age of 40 years.