Media institution marketing executive tries to secure sexual bribe using his lover ... nabbed

Media institution marketing executive tries to secure sexual bribe using his lover ... nabbed

Media institution marketing executive tries to secure sexual bribe using his lover ... nabbed

A marketing executive of a media institution who has allegedly asked for a sum of Rs. three and a half crores from a reputed millionaire businessman in this country by using his lover as the bait was taken into custody by officers of Colombo Crime Bureau yesterday (1). 

The lover of this media marketing executive has functioned as the private secretary of the said businessman and this suspect marketing executive has demanded a ransom of Rs. three crores by
threatening that he would let the businessman's wife seeing the photographs and video clips captured inside the deluxe limousine with this businessman and the lady concerned, it had been reported. 

This millionaire businessman has in the initial stage consented to give a sum of Rs. 6o lakhs and has informed the Colombo Crime Bureau about this when the investigations had begun. According to instructions given by the bureau a duplicate bag with the said money of Rs. sixty lakhs of the bribe was prepared to be given. 

On that occasion the marketing executive who demanded the ransom has misled the other party by trying to recover this money and in the end has informed that it be given to none other but the private secretary herself so that he could retrieve it from her. Under these circumstances when the ransom was given at the main office building situated at Battaramulla, the private secretary secretary was taken into custody last 25th. Subsequently on police inquiries made it was possible to get all details about the person who demanded this ransom. 

The suspect marketing executive has been in service for a period of close upon 15 years at the media institution this private secretary who served there as journalist who was 35 years of age and a mother of one child has continued to maintain the marketing executive as her lover, thereby carrying on an illicit relationship. Later on she has quit her job from that media institution and has joined the service as the private secretary of this millionaire businessman. 

As time passed by she has taken steps to lure the businessman to develop an illicit relationship with the businessman. It was she who has suggested saying, "We can't get together here ... let's go to some other place". She has done so on instructions of her lover. It was after that dialogue that the lady has set off in the luxury car of the millionaire businessman to go to a guest house. 

Realising that she has trapped the millionaire well and truly, she has time and again sent her lover SMS asking him to come. There had been a premeditated strategy to click photos with his lover and the millionaire together. However because of missing the vehicle it has been delayed and as a result the lover had been late in tracing the guest house and coming there. In the meantime during intimate sexual relationships the privatesecretary has had with the millionaire, she has asked for the name of the guest house and hiding the mobile phone she had gone to the wash room and has informed the lover of the address where they were, across SMS. However by the time the lover reached the location the businessman and the private secretary have finished their erotic activity.

In the process when she was coming out holding hands with the partner the suspect has approached the guest house in his vehicle and taken videos and photos. Later the suspect has gone ahead in threatening the businessman by phone that he would expose the videos to the businessman's wife. The incident associated with the ransom emerged under this background. 

The private secretary is in a solitary situation with her marriage going on the rocks with a child to care for and she has confessed to police that she resorted to this act as motivated by her lover. She, Katukurunda Wellalage Thamari Niroshini living in a top-floor in Torrington Place, Colombo was thus produced before the magistrate and court ordered that she be kept under remand custody till next 15th. The marketing executive of the media institution who was absconding by hiding for sometime was taken into custody yesterday and the suspect is expected to be produced today (2) before Kaduwela Magistrate Court. 

Information: Nimanthi Ranasingha
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