" Kavinda - Hirunika were making love ... Wedaarachchi lifted his sarong!

" Kavinda - Hirunika were making love ... Wedaarachchi lifted his sarong!

" Kavinda - Hirunika were making love ... Wedaarachchi lifted his sarong!

Minister Wimal Weeravansha has expressed the following ideas at a media briefing held y the government party in relation to incidents that flared up in parliament last Friday:

"On the one side Mr. Karu who is in the 'pulpit' in parliament says that the Prime Minister is not accepted and neither the cabinet. Then against what phantom is the no faith motion introduced? Sometimes it will be brought forward on Monday. Don't know whether it is hoped to go on record
books as being the Speaker who has brought he biggest number of no faith motions in the shortest time and having it passed thus creating a world record.

At one time I wonder whether this Speaker has eaten Datura (Atthana) seeds. If not, going to a corner in parliament where the United National Party is with the Sergeant-at-arms carrying the mace on his shoulders, surrounded by police and saying that the proposals have been passed by providing jokes ... to whom is it that he disreputes ... isn't it this country that is being demeaned. There are two members of parliament who came armed to parliament ... the two of them came to parliament yesterday also.

Now that Kalutara District member of parliament Thevarapperuma tells the media yesterday that, 'it is not a knife but a pen. But if I had brought a knife I definitely would have stabbed'. I don't know ... like that Vodka turning into water. Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka may of course bring it thinking that it is a film that is being shot sometimes because he has cameras right round him. But there is no way in which Thevarapperuma can think likewise.

This country cannot go ahead anymore with this sort of uncivilised environment. Therefore, our parliament team would gather on Monday and ask courts to consider the instability anarchy. We believe that they have a responsibility to think about it too.

You may have seen Hambantota District member of parliament Dilip Wedaarachchi ... here, I have the photographs ... lifts his sarong so that his underwear is seen by female members of parliament. We have those photographs. The paarliament has turned into a lunatic asylum like that. In the meantime, member of parliament Hirunika with Kavinda member of parliament, I don't know (...) have got into a corner in parliament ... Can the country go forward with that kind of parliament? Love is going on there ... here the sarong is being lifted ... what is it that's going to happen?"

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