To stage fast unto death if even one more family is brought to Mullaitivu
By now about 7000 Sinhalese families not belonging to Mullaitivu district have been made to reside in this particular district and what parliament member Raviharan states is that if at all a single more family is forcibly pushed in there, a fast unto death can be expected.
This incidentally was mentioned when MP Mr. T. Raviharan of the North provincial council Tamil National Alliance arrived in Mullaitivu yesterday (29) on questions posed by the media. What MP Mr. Raviharan says is that what the government wants is to increase the number of Sinhalese voters
in the North and to send Sinhalese persons to parliament and thus to restrain political power of Tamils in the North.
in the North and to send Sinhalese persons to parliament and thus to restrain political power of Tamils in the North.
The MP Ravindran who says that in order to achieve this, the government is using Mahaweli Project as a bait and that what the President said in Jaffna was that water of Moragahakanda Reservoir would be made available to the North and that too with the motive of creating Sinhala colonies, as one step. Though everybody laughed when chief minister of North said at a session of the Northern province about three years before this that 'kallathoni' Sinhala residents would be accompanying Mahaweli Waters of the government; what actually is taking place at present is exactly that very same thing and that the Tamil National Alliance is in no way prepared to let that happen, the MP said.
-- Rasadi Chathurangi Gamage --