Doctor-wife Chamari Liyanage who married Sri Lankan doctor - husband in Australia granted parole ... escapes expulsion; allowed to stay back
A Sri Lankan lady-doctor, Chamari Liyanage living in Geralton, Perth, Australia created a sensation 4 years ago in 2014 for having killed her husband Dr. Dinendra Athukorala while sleeping on bed. He was killed by her having been attacked by a mallet and she was sentenced to prison for 4 years. However, she managed to get released about 2 weeks before.
The decased husband Dinendra displayed a distorted mentality by inviting a white-skinned girl home
and simultaneously engaging in thrresome sexual activity with his wife Chamari and on that particular night doctor Chamari had decided to take action in killing him that night.
Though it was revealed that she was responsible for his death, it was not confirmed that she did so on purpose. It however was confirmed at that point that she was sexually pressurised for a period of 8 years in her life and on the day of the incident it was proved in court that she was somewhat under the influence of liquor and under those circumstances had resorted to that attack in order to get away from his pressure. Even to this day she affirms that that night she had drunk whiskey and that she cannot remember anything.
Initially, though it was endorsed that she be sentenced to 4 years in jail and be subsequently expelled to Sri Lanka, local and foreign comrades of hers had protested at courts premises in that country and forwarded petitions on behalf of Chamari, she was rescued from this verdict of expelling her from the country as such. Accordingly, the court had taken into account her mental condition and had issued a special verdict y permitting her to stay back in the country.
The couple Dr. Dinendra Athukorala and Dr. Chamari Liyanage had joining in with a 17 year old white woman had taken alcohol and collectively engaged in sexual activities on the night of June 24th in the year 2014 when this murder had taken place, it was reported. On that day a white-skinned female had arrived in that house of this incident with this couple on the sanction of the two of them. She had been dropped away from home the following day early morning and after a few hours later Chamari who had taken whiskey had become intoxicated and subsequent to an argument which flared up she had lost her temper and had killed him.
Though Chamari says after being taken into custody that she cannot remember what took place that day, she admitted that the married between them which existed for 8 years was by no means a successful one. She had also stated that she had tried to break away from her marriage on six occasions; but that on every occasion her husband had prevented it. After she informed courts about her husband's distorted sexual inclinations, officers engaged in investigations related to the said incident had conducted a post digital examination of computers and computer accessories and what transpired thereafter was that since they were suspicious on noticing that the deceased had made secret access from time to time within close upon a period of 3 hours across the VPN network and on scrutiny Dr. Dinendra had saved some files into his private account, the officers revealed. These officers further mentioned that they were video files which were so secured and that they comprised of obscene private sexual scenes.
In order to arrive at a conclusion in respect of what was included in them, the referred to report was forwarded by them to courts; but it was not exposed in court as to what those sexual scenes were. On a prior occasion Dr. Dinendra's wife had stated that he had shown a liking to capturing on video scenes of Dr. Dinendra in action as husband and wife and the on the day of the incident 17 year old white-skinned female who wished to stay anonymous had testified and said that the doctor in order to invite her to bed had even bought a camera and that he had taken steps to video all proceedings. She had further told police that Dr. Chamari provided support to her by making preparations for these activities after she was to arrive home that night. She even added that Dr. Chamari has gone to the extent of assisting her to remove hair (waxing) on her legs. Dr. Dinendra has on that day come with camera to record this proceedings and also a pair of shoes for her. The three of them had had that night engaged in having bouts of whiskey and talking various things in the process. The girl had also told police that later on Dr. Chamari and Dr. Dinendra had engaged in sexual activities as wife and husband in her presence. In the night Dr. Dinendra had approached her and in one instance Dr. Chamari has protested that move, she says. Subsequently what she had come to know the following day was the incident of Chamari having killed Dinendra with an axe.
Chamari's attorneys had strived to indicate that this was not an instance where the act of homicide was carried out on purpose and it was confirmed in courts that according to earlier video recordings the deceased doctor was someone who in fact was suffering from distorted sexual desires. As such, Chamari managed to escape serious punishment from accusation of murder by proving in court the sufferings she had undergone.
Chamari who incidentally was a mother of 2 children was given a suspended jail sentence of 4 years and under such circumstances the children had to be directed to her parents in Sri Lanka. However, after she gained her freedom she had begun to live in her home in the company of her children. Dr. Chamari had on receiving freedom expressed her Australian friends by thanking them. The Australian ABC channel 7.30 has taken steps to provide a special programme by visiting Chamari's home. On that occasion she has broken down in tears and brought back the awesome memories of suffering at the hands of her husband and had mentioned that she was able to enjoy a better sense of freedom during imprisonment more than in her married life. She also said that she is unable to recall anything about this murder. Chamari wh said that she still suffers from a shock went on to say that she would be continuing her pastime of art work.