Name of Sri Lanka too linked to 'Cambridge Analytica' prepared by Presidents for Facebook data-secrets operation!

 Name of Sri Lanka too linked to 'Cambridge Analytica' prepared by Presidents for Facebook data-secrets operation!

Name of Sri Lanka too linked to 'Cambridge Analytica' prepared by Presidents for Facebook data-secrets operation!

Secret talks have been broadcast in creating a change in Sri Lanka's politics related to issues concerning 'Cambridge Analytica' across secret video reports which in turn has subjected to an economic collapse of world famous Facebook institution.

This phenomenon has come to the open with the special revelation of the clandestine operations which took place in the Facebook to triumph Trump in the 2016 American elections. A data-engineering company by the name of 'Cambridge Analytica' has most secretively robbed data of 50
million data of those browsing the Facebook and further has misappropriated for purposes of political propaganda, it has been exposed in this instance. All this was started by one Alexander Cogan, a researcher of Cambridge University having created a Facebook App which included a questionnaire measuring the personality titled 'This is your digital life'. Across this App he has been successful in collecting private data of 50 million users of Facebook, connected to that research. Though according to rules of Facebook data relevant to that research cannot be used in the case of other actvities; but this data accumulated by Cogan have been given for other activities.

The data secured by Cambridge Analytica institute to promote Trump at the American Presidential Elections have been sharply utilised to make Trump gain victory at the American Presidential elections. Apart from that operations it has not been limited to sharing posters provoking the idea that only Trump alone gains victory. Certain elements who in fact were ransom-seekers  had sought the services of harlots and have brought up certain incidents which brought about disrepute to anti-Trump elements and had thereby squeezed ransom or bribes from them and were thus those who became fans of prostitutes. Thus various such stories were coined and anti-Trump elements were massacred across the social media which campaign incidentally was launched by this project. In order to prove such matters, this secretive operations have taken steps to instantly direct those photos and videos to 50 millions in order to substantiate proof in this connection with the hope of influencing the opinion of the masses. For this purpose those who provided support to the American Presidential candidate may have paid large sums of money, information now keeps streaming in.

As reported at present, Cambridge Analytica organisation has in this manner not only in the case of the American Presidential election, but has worked to make the incumbent President of Kenya too become the President. Sri Lanka's name however becomes linked from a part of a video secretly released to the world publicly through channel 4 in England. As shown in that video, those leaders with the motive of securing employment in Cambridge Analytica organisation have organised themselves in meeting at several hotels in the city of London and what they had engaged in discussions thereby. A certain employee who had previously been employed at this very organisation has betrayed them by capturing these discussions on video and had planned to hand them over to the media. In fact, those who secretively installed cameras for channel 4 were sent to their midst and these talks were thus taped.

These meetings have taken place during the period of November, 2017 and January, 2018. It was informed there that he hopes to obtain services of that organisation on behalf of a future election and what they could do across Facebook in that respect, it was queried. In the video presented, they had as proposals explained how politicians could be preyed upon by trapping them in the bribery net by using females. During the process of discussions it is discussed that instead of local Sri Lankan women; it was decided that engaging Ukranian females as prostitutes was comparatively and more fruitful.

Former American President Obama too had made allegations that there had been  clandestine operations being launched to bring Donald Trump to the seat of President and that initial suspicion has cropped up regarding Russia. Whatever it is, how Facebook was misappropriated in the American Presidential election actually became a major issue from a number of years. For that very reason in order to minimise exchange of incorrect information, Facebook has adopted certain measures.

The Cambridge Analytica exposure has by now brought a shock within mainstream media around the world. As a consequence of the collapse in the faith pinned on Facebook organisation, share market values too have faced a massive drop. American reports say that the organisation has sustained a loss of 47 billion dollars within the course of a week alone. In any case, Mark Zuckerberg who kept silent for 5 days after this revelation had for the first time made an announcement that they admit  shortcomings where safety of data was concerned ad that action would be taken to rectify them.

It was later reported that services of chief of Cambridge Analytica who was responsible for a conspiracy of an international level has been subjected to suspension. In the same way, a dialogue is circulating all over the world about the security of personal data of those who us the Facebook. Instructions have been issued to remove any unnecessary Apps which are suspicious and to change private settings as is required; to prevent certain data being displayed in common and to limit it only to friends. Published below is the channel 4 video which exposed how a Facebook conspiracy contributed towards selecting the American President. It is in the 42nd second that speaks about females of Sri Lanka.     

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