Anika Vinodini who brought up house issue ... supposed to have been a lover of Aloysius -- Ravi's daughter Onella also of same school

 Anika Vinodini who brought up house issue ... supposed to have been a lover of Aloysius -- Ravi's daughter Onella also of same school

Anika Vinodini who brought up house issue ... supposed to have been a lover of Aloysius -- Ravi's daughter Onella also of same school

The reason for Foreign Minister Ravi falling into a serious pickle over the issue about the ownership of 2 units of Monarch Housing Complex in Colpetty going this far is because its former owner Anika Vinodini Wijesuriya had revealed matters relating to it continuously ... in the presence of the commission. Even when Aloysius had made a request to destroy
agreements she has ignored it and had proceeded to bring forward everything word to word with appropriate evidence in that connection.

What has been exposed by an article of Colombo Telegraph is that Anika Vinodini is someone who had been an ex-lover of Arjun Aloysius before he got wedded. Anika, Aloysius and Ravi's daughter Onella were all friends at the international school in Colombo down Gregory Road, she had admitted at the Presidential Commission. However she has not revealed about a love affair as such. Anika Vinodini was someone who hailed from a wealthy family. Distinguished businessman Nahil Wijesuriya happens to be Anika's father.

This is how she has exposed the alliance between Aloysius and Ravi's family: "I studied at an international school in Colombo. During the period 2011 and 2012 when I was schooling at the Colombo international school I came to know Arjun Aloysius through an intimate friend of mine. But that friendship came to an end during that time itself. I came to know Minister Ravi Karunanayaka's daughter Onella Karunanayaka who too was studying in that school during the period I was studying at that Colombo international school. I came to know of Mrs. Mela Karunanayaka, wife of Mr. Ravi Karunanayaka from the month of February in 2016. This house referred to is the penthouse Monarch, bearing No. 5P.H.2. It was something that I bought. Around January 2016 I decided to lease out this flat. In the meantime I heard from my brother that Ravi Karunanayaka was on the look out for a house. Consequently I spoke to Mr. Ravi Karunanayaka's wife Mrs. Mela Karunanayaka over the telephone. Though she did not speak to me at that moment she later spoke and came to see the house. She came alone. After inspecting the house she got someone on the line. After that, Arjun Aloysius visited the house. They wanted to take the house on rent. Then they left. I then gave my consent to rent out the house to Arjun Aloysius. The house was given on rent on a tripartite agreement. The house was taken on rent for a period of 6 months.

After they came into occupation Arjun Aloysius later spoke to me. He mentioned that it was stated in the media that Ravi Karunanayake's house rent would be paid by him (Arjun Aloysius). I searched for that information and read them. I once again asked Arjun Aloysius about it. On that instance he told me that he had destroyed that lease agreement. Though he made a request from me to destroy the copies in my possession, I did not accede to his request. I told Mela Karunanayake about this. She said that they have not made a blunder.

By the time this incident took place the lease period of 6 months of the house had expired. In lieu of the advance payment taken, another 2 months was left. On that occasion I suggested to Mrs. Mela Karunanayake that this house be bought by them. I priced the house for Rs. 180 million. However we discussed and fixed a price of Rs. 165 million. They said that they paid the price for the house by securing a loan. This house was bought under the name 'Global Star Logistics (Pvt) Limited'.
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