Mysterious death of Lance Corporal employed at Major General's house!
The sudden death of a soldier who served in the home of Major General Ubhaya Perera in the latter's house in Kandana has aroused suspicion.
His relatives have been informed on one occasion that the deceased had strangled himself and had committed suicide while on another occasion they had been informed that he had died of a traffic accident and until the corpse was handed over dressed in the Army uniform the
kith and kin were at a loss to figure out anything at all, which obviously created suspicion among them.
kith and kin were at a loss to figure out anything at all, which obviously created suspicion among them.
Deceased Lance Corporal B.D.M. Seneviratna had been serving as a cook at the Major General's house. The soldier in fact has visited his home on the last occasion prior to his death and had subsequently left for duties last 31st and his parents and friends have mentioned that the soldier had no sufficient reason so as to take his life as such.
Some Army officers who had come there after a few days had told his relatives that the Lance Corporal had met with a sudden accident; but later had been informed that he had strangled himself to death. Until the dead body was handed over to members of his family, nothing has been specifically explained as to what exactly had taken place as such.