Kandy DN Company owner vanishes with 9 million deposits!
The owner of the financial establishment known as DN Company which for a period of close upon 12 years was in operation at Kotugodella, Kandy has gone into hiding after acquiring some millions from the public, it is reported.
It is one Diluksha Wanigaratna who had maintained branches at four locations in Kandy and Katugastota in the capacity of Holdings of
the company with a large staff too. The institution has offered services such as personal loans, micro credit, purchase of property plus land and to sell them, business promotional activities and offering of funeral vehicles as well. The company has functioned in such a manner which created no suspicion in the minds of the public for quite some time. The company had even provided loans on interest for those who were in need of such services with high interest rates being offered equally so for those who required such services and for this reason the company had become quite popular.
Whatever it is, the institution which had launched a scheme of activities where high interest rates were offered for deposits had of late delayed payment of relevant interests to the depositors concerned. On inquiry in this connection by the customers they were told that there was some financial issues involved, but that matters would be settled soon. Therefore nobody had thought of complaining to the police about it.
However, since last 29th this establishment was found closed and the owner himself had disappeared at which point the customers who deposited their money understood without any doubt that they had been trapped in a fraud and had then proceeded to lodge a complaint with the police. It was found that these deposits had been secured in a fraudulent manner for over a period of 2 years and that a sum of about 9 million had thus vanished into thin air. By now it has been revealed that about 200 people had been taken for a ride.
Though the Central Bank had constantly informed the public to refrain from making any deposits with institutions not registered with the State, over 280 individuals have deposited their monies paying scant respect to such advice. Though the suspect has made a get away, the lady Manager of the company was nabbed by the depositors and handed over to the police on the 5th. Kandy Police have initiated investigations to arrest the main suspect and there is suspicion as to whether he had scooted off from the island. Further investigations in this respect have been handed over to the Colombo Fraud Bureau.