Slain "Udammita Samare" has had two bullet wounds in head

 Slain "Udammita Samare" has had two bullet wounds in head

Slain "Udammita Samare" has had two bullet wounds in head

The other day when the underworld leader Udammita Samare was travelling in a luxury vehicle he was shot near the Veyangoda eloya bridge by a person travelling in a car who had followed him.

It is reported that two shots fired at Udammita Samare or Janaka Samatha Kumara  had pierced his skull.This had been revealed at the postmortem
examination held.The postmortem examination had been held at the Gampaha hospital on the 26th instant.

It has been revealed that the murderers have not been found.It is the view that another underworld gang would have been responsible for this crime.

It is reported that the deceased Udammita Samare had been responsible for the murder of President of the Nittambuwa trade society Suranga Pieiris and several others.Hence as a revenge this murder would have been initiated by rival groups.

 Slain "Udammita Samare" has had two bullet wounds in head

 Slain "Udammita Samare" has had two bullet wounds in head

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