Sangeetha who undertook the assignment of compering at Sarasavi Awards Festival ... swims in sea of blunders by announcing Maharaja Dutugemunu Chitrapetiya!

 Sangeetha who undertook the assignment of compering at Sarasavi Awards Festival ... swims in sea of blunders by announcing Maharaja Dutugemunu Chitrapetiya!

Sangeetha who undertook the assignment of compering at Sarasavi Awards Festival ... swims in sea of blunders by announcing Maharaja Dutugemunu Chitrapetiya!

The Sarasavi Awards Festival which had been out of action for the last 8 years was once more brought into life last week but with a fresh facelift. Its compering duties had been assigned to the actor -- actress duo Kamal Addaraarachchi who became popular because of the Saptha Kanya love-film and Sangeetha Weeraratna. Though this task in no way was an unfamiliar one to Kamal who was already equipped with the experience of conducting Reality programmes; as for Sangeetha this
announcing job had become a complicated mess; it was obvious to those who attended the festival.

She was assigned the duty of reading out from a pre-prepared manuscript. However the number of blunders committed by her in the process of announcing totalled upto over 30; those who made a calculation during that procedure were able to estimate. Some opinions were expressed by certain members of the audience that they had watched the programme with the motive of watching the proceedings for the sake of anticipating with feeling and entertainment as to when she would make her next blunder because blemishes were observed all over her pronunciations with a touch of quaintness.

In the case of introducing the film "Maha Raja Gemunu" she had mentioned "Maha Raja Dutugemunu" at certain places; and had inserted a 'th' for the film "Oba Nethuwa Oba Ekka" by saying "Oba Nethuwa Obath Ekka" Thus making a change in the title of the film. At another point she had tried to make a slip in the word 'chithrapata' by uttering 'chithrapetiya' in which instance those of the audience even found it difficult to control their laughter. 'Lohamaya Sammanaya' she had on one occasion presented as 'Lomahaya Sammanaya'.

The question she had left with the minds of members of the audience at the end of the festival was whether she was unprepared for this programme in advance or whether it was the type of pronunciation that she was accustomed to. Even when naming the Best Actress award at the apex of the festival she made an error. The video which depicts in reading out the name of the film 'Oba Nethuwa Obath Ekka' and the extraneous manner when commenting on the Best Actress, from below

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