GCE (Advanced Level) results no delay will be released before the 12th January -Commissioner

 GCE (Advanced Level) results no delay will be released before the 12th January -Commissioner

GCE (Advanced Level) results no delay will be released before the 12th January -Commissioner

There is a rumour that has spread that this years GCE (Advanced Level ) results would be delayed unlike in the previous years.

In this regard the Lanka teachers society has requested the President and Prime Minister to take immediate action on this matter of the GCE ( Advanced Level) 2016.

Answering to this query the commissioner general of examinations WMNJ Pushpakumara had added
that there is no such delay.The results he had vouched would be released before the 12th January.

Adding further the commissioner general had said that this year from the technical stream 30,000 students had sat the examination and for them to add the practical marks to the theory ,arks a certain time had to be devoted.

The commissioner general had stressed that the results of the 2015 GCE (Advanced Level)  were released on 03rd January 2016.This year he had said there would be a delay of most nine days .The results would be released before the 12th January 2017.
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