Forecast that President Maithri will pass away before January 26th!

Forecast that President Maithri will pass away before January 26th!

Forecast that President Maithri will pass away before January 26th!

An Astrologer by the name of Vijitha Rohana Wijayamuni has published in his Facebook Account that present President would pass away before next year (2017) January 26th and the Secretary of the Presidential Media Mr. Nimal Bopage states that a plan of conspiracy for assassination is in the offing ... going beyond Astrology. 

Mr. Nimal Bopage had notified the Cyber Criminal Division of the Criminal Investigation
Department initially; but since there is no response still in this respect he had complained to the Inspector General of Police day-before-yesterday (19), he added. He further mentioned that so far this type of argument has never been put forward in connection with any leader of the State of Sri Lanka and even if somebody who has been afflicted by a fatal sickness visits any physician, it would not be revealed to him or her. Or else it would not be exposed across the public either. He finally pointed out that within the framework of the freedom bestowed by the President this Astrologer is publicising this in the most degrading manner. The uproar which gave rise as a result of the said forecast has been released in 2015 and it is in the following manner that it appears in YouTube:  
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