Mason baas who raped air hostess in her own Rajagiriya house ... caught by police soon after!

Mason baas who raped air hostess in her own Rajagiriya house ... caught by police soon after!

Mason baas who raped air hostess in her own Rajagiriya house ... caught by police soon after!

Welikada Police have been successful in cornering a mason baas day-before-yesterday who incidentally is alleged to have raped an attractive air hostess serving a leading airliner while she was at her own lodging place.

This air hostess who was staying all alone in a house taken on lease in Kalapaluwawa area, Rajagiriya had on the day of the incident, after finishing her duties in the night had reached the house
from a vehicle belonging to the company and had phoned a mobile catering service and ordered her dinner home. Subsequently she is supposed to have engaged in a few telephone calls to some of her friends and consequently after taking her dinner, watched television and retired to bed around 12 in the night. 

While in her bedroom a person had all of a sudden entered the room and she had got into a state of shock, naturally. The person who entered this way had said, "if you shout, I'll murder you ... I was waiting for sometime to get at you!" and after locking up the door had thus imprisoned her. After scaring her he had got close to her and had begun to feel her body. Having been frightened that some accident would take place she had given up any resistance. At that moment the man had raped her and afterwards had even slept with her as if there was no place for him to go. He had raped her on a number of occasions later on. The man had further mentioned that he needed jewellery and cash before he was to leave. The air hostess who cooked up a spontaneous strategy at that moment had responded saying, "look ... you have dirtied my whole body ... must take a wash also. I have a necessity to go to the toilet also ... shall I go for a while?" 

The man had acceded to this request and after getting rid of his grasp she had been successful in concealing her mobile phone in her clothes in the process. Having reached the washroom she had called the 119 Emergency number in secret and said "here ... there's a thief in my house. You can catch the fellow if you come right now". This call message was conveyed to Welikada Police and the night petrol vice squad unit which went into prompt action arrived at the spot concerned in a few minutes and managed to apprehend the culprit. 

He had then known that the police had surrounded the house and at that time he was in the room stark naked. He then had made an attempt to get out of the room in the house and make his way out from the rear wall behind. However as it was too high for him and his attempt had come to nothing. As such he was caught by the police quite easily. The police then clad the man who was naked at the time and on interrogating the man he had admitted that he was a 34 year old father of 2 children and that he was also an Army soldier for a period of time after which he had abandoned that job and had been earning his living as a labourer. He had also said that this opportunity came his way because he had been working these days as a mason baas in the house being newly built next door to the air hostess's house. The man further said that he had kept an eye on this beautiful young girl who was going in and out of the house for a period of time while engaged in his work and from the day that he confirmed to himself that she was staying all alone he had spent his time with the obsession of getting into her house and satisfying his longing. 

He then revealed that he was aware of the time-period when she was to arrive home and that on the day of the incident he had according to a pre-set plan was aware that she would come home and would order dinner from outside. He then admitted that he had managed to jump from over the wall and keep hiding after noting the instance when she happened to open the door and would carry the dinner inside and had then crept into the house and that he had remained hiding in a corner of the house for close upon 4 hours and after waiting till the moment came for her to go into her bedroom he had then got into the motion of committing this offence. The man had also admitted that he had got trapped over her words "must go to the toilet" and that he did not know until the police arrived. The suspect who was taken into custody by Welikada Police is expected to be produced before courts today the 29th.       
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