If second hand cars are sold for low figures to find the genuineness contact RMV

If second hand cars are sold for low figures to find the genuineness contact RMV

There have been stories spread that an organized gang is in the process of attaching spare parts to used cars and sell them for relatively low amounts.If anyone who needs clarification the Commissioner of the motor traffic department is willing to verify the genuineness of these vehicles.

The motor traffic commissioner will assist all prospective buyers of such vehicles.This clique is supposed to be making all necessary documents in relation to the sale.
The motor traffic commissioner general AHK Jagath Chandrasiri had advised the general public in this regard.

Three such vehicles from the Wariyapola area have been arrested by the buyers police.The commissioner general of motor traffic AHK Jagath Chabdrasiri has drawn the attention of prospective buyers of low priced such vehicles.

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