Lady removes ear rings and gives them to unknown girl who refused to attend school without ear rings!

 Lady removes ear rings and gives them to unknown girl who refused to attend school without ear rings!

Lady removes ear rings and gives them to unknown girl who refused to attend school without ear rings!

An outside lady had felt pity on a girl who refused attending school after being disappointed in being made fun at by school friends for not wearing a pair of ear rings had stayed back at home for 2 long years refusing to go to school. The lady concerned had removed her own ear rings and given them to the girl thus fulfilling the girl's wish for a pair of ear rings. This
incident is reported from Karandeniya area.

The said girl of 16 years from Mahagoda area in Karandeniya had lost the affection of her mother and had been living with her father. As the girl had not attended school for quite some time saying that she refuses continuously in going to school, the girl's father had brought her to Karandeniya Police with the motive of settling this issue. The father had pleaded asking that the girl be given at least her education by handing her over to the Probation. On being questioned by the police what the girl had said was that she declines going to school because she has no pair of ear rings. She added saying that since she was subjected to embarassment in school when she had attended school without ear rings, she does not want to go to school anymore.

A certain lady who was present at that time in police and having overheard this girl's statement and felt a sense of pity on her had volunteered and come forward to donate her own two ear rings. The police officers were happy about this act of the lady and on which occasion the girl had expressed her willingness to go back to school.

 As such, before proceeding to school yesterday the girl had come to the police station and bowed down to the police officers by offering a sheaf of betel and had done likewise to the lady and after taking her permission she had once more continued her education by entering grade 9 in the school where she used to attend 2 years ago. She was the lucky recipient of a parcel of books bestowed on her by police officers as well. The individual who enjoyed the biggest happiness on hearing that the girl had resumed her schooling was none other than the lady who presented the pair of ear rings and she happened to be a mother of 3 children living in 3rd Milepost in Karandeniya.

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