Elder brother commits suicide for making the 15 year old sister pregnant

 Elder brother commits suicide for making the 15 year old sister pregnant

Elder brother commits suicide for making the 15 year old sister pregnant

It is reported on the 12th instant  from the officers of the Akmeemana police of a elder brother who had committed suicide  with the aid of a  salt coconut shell by making his 15 year old younger sister pregnant at his dwelling house..

This family has been living in an estate in the
Poddala area in Akmeemana. The father had deserted them. The  15 year old deceased had been been living  with her elder brother  and the other step brother and sister from her mother's second marriage.

The police officers of the Akmeemana police had gone to their dwelling house when they have heard that this 15 year old had become pregnant from an intimation received from the child protection authority.At that instance they have come to know that the elder brother had committed suicide by hanging.When the pregnant girl was questioned  she had admitted that her elder brother had sexually abused her eight months ago and that she was pregnant.

The police had  commenced investigations into the death of the 18 year old elder brother who is supposed to have have committed suicide.

According to what the pregnant sister had told the police the 18 year old elder brother may have committed suicide owing to fear./His remains had been handed over to the Karapitiya Teaching hospital for a postmortem.
The 15 year old pregnant girl is to be produced for a medical examination to the Karapitiya Teaching hospital.

Under the instruction of the Officer in Charge of the Akmeemana police station Police Inspector MMS Pushkumara the officer in charge of the child and women's unit of the same police station  Hemamali Dias and her team are conducting investigations.

Simultaneously the related officers of the Akmeemana police station are also conducting investigations.

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