Tense situation at Seruwila Thera's funeral

 Tense situation at Seruwila Thera's funeral

Tense situation at Seruwila Thera's funeral

The cremation of the Seruwila Maha Nayaka Thero, the Chief Sangha Nayaka of of both North and East who passed away recently was conducted in the evening on the  7th. A lay benefactor who was making a speech on this occasion was obstructed by a certain monk and an
exchange of words had taken place resulting in a tense situation.

A situation where two parties had been making claims on the property of Seruwila Thera had been flaring up with both parties entering into litigation during the final stages of the Late thera's demise. As both parties had been involved in the issue of making claims of taking the thera's body to two different place after his demise, it was necessary to seek the support of the assistance of courts in that connection. In the meantime another case is being heard over the allegation of a suspicion that Seruwila Thera's death is the result of poisoning.

The final rites over the cremation was conducted by both these two parties amidst various rifts and what a special announcement broadcast by Mahamewuna Asapuwa said was that they would be washing their hands off duties relating to the Seruwila Temple.

The News First video depicting the incident where a monk happened to intrude a layman's talk in a very unpleasant manner at the funeral proceedings today thus dishonouring the deceased thera, from below

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