'Divaina' report regarding JVP leader

'Divaina' report regarding JVP leader

 JVP leaders who became upset over two articles published in 'Divaina' newspaper Sunday  yesterday, even had a news discussion yesterday itself. What one article said was about a conflict regarding leadership. The second article said that a certain Red Leader of Sri Lanka had
gone abroad to visit his old lover with whom he maintains an illicit relationship and to meet his child. The term 'Red Leader' was mentioned there in an indirect manner inferring the present JVP leader. The lengthy feature article says: "After completing the Advanced Level this Red Leader spent his time working at a restaurant in Kegalla area till he entered the university. There he had struck up a friendship with a lass and not being able to control this alliance he had proceeded further. The result of this was that the girl had conceived  because of him. Under prevailing circumstances the courageous lover of his had gone to England and the Red Leader's child was brought up by her. Since the girl loved this Red Leader with all her heart, she had maintained communications with him continuously, it is said. The point that the said Red Leader had made use of the trip to Ireland, it can be assumed because he would be able to see his former lover and the child as they were at that time in Ireland.

What was revealed at the news briefing of the JVP yesterday was that corruption had taken place at the Transport Ministry in the past and it was exposed by the JVP and that because the the former Transport Minister Kumara Welgama is the brother of the proprietor of the 'Divaina' newspaper, this article of slinging mud had been published. Whatever it is, the MP Anura Kumara was not inclined to explain about the Ireland trip or in responding to the indirect accusation regarding it.

We have published an article previously regarding the JVP leadership conflict pertaining to an article in 'Divaina', (from here).

Published below is the second article that says the Red Leader went abroad for the purpose of visiting his former lover and child.  
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