Manawadu's death web - rumours

Manawadu's death web - rumours

These days some web sites are circulating a rumour that the sudden death of Major General Sumith
Manawadu is a case of homicide. According to reports published in their websites, deceased Mr. Manawadu has been subjected to the accident concerned not as a result of being struck by a rafter. The reports infer that the cause of death is a consequence of being assaulted by somebody or else some other cause.

These articles have been reported with a political objective in mind, it is seen and it says that 'hospital sources say', which presents no evidence in this connection as such, apparently. The said articles are published below for enquiry. Deducing the truth or falsity of the articles is over to readers.

First website report (


May 5, 2016 at 2:10 pm / lanka C news

Doctors at the National Hospital have expressed suspicion over Major General Mr. Sumith Manawadu who was admitted to hospital yesterday with serious injuries on the assumption that a rafter had fallen on his head.

They further say that since there are several other marks of bruises on the body of the Major who was injured, it cannot be attributed to a case of a rafter falling on his head. Bruises of this nature in most instances occur from an assault if not so, from a motor accident, the doctors say.

The report was published -

The second website report (lanka news

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