Land slide at "Samasara" hill for the second time,media personnel have a narrow shave

 Land slide at "Samasara" hill for the second time,media personnel have a narrow shave

Land slide at "Samasara" hill for the second time,media personnel have a narrow shave

On the 18th instant the media personnel who had visited the :" Samasara" hill have had a very narrow escape when it had started to slide for the second time unexpectedly.

The incident is reported in this manner:

"We proceeded to view the land slide that took place at "Samasara" hill, Aranayake to report on the land slide.When we were near the vicinity of the  Buddha statue a loud sound was heard.It was raining very severely.We all got excited.They were about 1000 people in the surrounding area.There was a stream of water that drained along with puddles of mud.We were unable to find the north and south.We then stated to run and saw near the Buddha statue logs of trees fallen close to it.

When we walked we saw houses but there were no people.The most surprising thing was that no harm had happened to the Buddha statue"
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