Student hospitalised after eating light-bulb in Anuradhapura

Student hospitalised after eating light-bulb in Anuradhapura

Student hospitalised after eating light-bulb in Anuradhapura

A person who wanted to amaze the audience during an exhibition held in Anuradhapura  had munched a tube-light giving the impression that he had consumed it. In the meantime, a 13 year old
schoolboy who thought of imitating the former person had faced a mishap in his house. This incident is reported from Maaragahawewa area.

About a week before, a thrilling and dangerous Sando scene was displayed during the course of a musical show and in that instance a certain person had displayed the feat of eating a tube-light in the process, it is reported. Whatever it is, this person has also cautioned the onlookers at that moment not to try it out by themselves. The victim, the schoolboy who was actually a minor had however boasted that he too could perform that feat. Thus, he had got down several friends to his home and after bringing a tube-light had boasted, "If Sando can ... why can't I!" Saying so he had tried to munch the light-bulb on which occasion the pieces of the bulb had reached his body and it resulted in the boy falling sick.

The householders had then immediately dispatched him to Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital for treatment. Hospital authorities on that occasion had remarked that the interior of the victim's body has suffered damage because of broken glasses and therefore a surgery has to be performed to remove those pieces.

It was a schoolboy aged 13 years living in Rajanganaya Yaya 16, Maaragahawewa who had to be hospitalised in this manner. Pieces of glass from the tube-light had been observed inside the patient's stomach when he was subjected to an x-ray by the doctors.
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