Wife had kept the dead body of husband without informing anyone

Wife had kept the dead body of husband without informing anyone

Wife had kept the dead body of husband without informing anyone

In the Deraniyagala  divisional secretariat division in Maliboda Dickellakanda area  an incident has been reported  from a humble
residence where  a wife had kept the dead body of her husband after death for more than 10 days.

For a period of nearly 15 years this couple had been living in a small hut in the Maliboda Dickellakanda remote village. During the past three years the husband had been sick and the wife had been treating him when he had been more or less bed ridden. The husband had one day passed away.

The wife had been in a state of semi consciousness and had been cooking her meals and had kept the dead body for over 10 days. She had not even had a bottle lamp in her small cottage.

The closest house was situated about 500 yards from this cottage. One day a person from a neighbouring house had come to pluck lime from the vicinity of the small cottage and had observed a bad smell emanated from this cottage. He had informed the Deraniyagala  police. The police officer had made arrangements to conduct a post mortem and it had revealed that the dead man had died of a lung decease. The body had been buried in the Deraniyagala cemetery.
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