Left knee operated instead of the right knee

Left knee operated instead of the right knee

Left knee operated instead of the right knee

A fourteen year old girl a resident of Wijetunga Mawatha in Pilimatalawa had been admitted to the Peradeniya teaching hospital for a defect in her right knee. The doctors had by a mistake had operated her left knee. The father of the girl had
lodged a complaint in this regard to the Peradeniya police station.

It is reported that this girl receives her education at a school in Kandy. From her young days she has had a lump in her right knee. It is learnt that she had attended a clinic at Pilimatalawa private hospital.On the advise of a consultant physician she had been admitted to ward 16 of the Peradeniya Teaching hospital.

The girl had been admitted on the 20th of last month and her operation had been done on the 1st of this month. After she was brought to the ward from the operating theatre it had revealed that the operation had been done to her left knee instead of the right knee.

When the father of the girl had inquired from the doctor he had said that the operation to her right knee would be performed on the 03rd instant.

In this connection when inquiries were made from the Director of the hospital he had said that the girl had been having a similar defect in both her knees. The Director had said that the consultant surgeon had gone abroad and until he comes a correct decision would  be taken.
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