Team of specialist doctors to school ....

 Team of specialist doctors to school ....

Team of specialist doctors to school ....

on behalf of schoolboy isolated as being afflicted with HIV

National Sexually Afflicted Diseases and AIDS Control Campaign has taken steps to mediate in the incident where Kuliyapitiya school authorities and parents happened to isolate a child from school
saying that his father died because of AIDS.

As such, an awareness programme organised by them is scheduled to be held today on behalf of the parents of the school where he was last admitted to. The child having been rejected from several schools on the understanding that he was afflicted with AIDS, his mother after staging a protest in front of the education office eduction officials took action in providing the child with a school as a solution for it. However, because parents made a move in removing all students from the classroom in that school and had even gone further with those parents notifying the principal that all students in the school would be taken away home from the school, in which instance a problem emerged.

With great joy the said child was admitted as he had finally received a school. But on the very first day the child was admitted to school to grade 1, the act of the parents taking action in removing all other children thereby isolating the child and the teacher in the classroom simply clearly portrays the ignorance of these parents and the specialist team of doctors and chief administrators of the the area would be conducting an awareness programme about the condition of the disease.

This crowd of parents who declined to accept even the medical report which confirmed that the child is free from AIDS did not possess sufficient knowledge about it, it was revealed. It is believed that after this procedure, the child would permanently be blessed with the opportunity to commence studies in the school to which he was so admitted.
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