Royal students arrested for unlawful entry into girls' school

 Royal students arrested for unlawful entry into girls' school

Royalists who went in search of girls' schools

Museus, Bishop's ....

in custody

Several news reports of yesterday confirmed that prominent girls' schools in Colombo have become menacing targets as a result of inter-school cricket matches being played these days.

One incident was reported within Colombo Bishop's College. A group of students of Royal of Colombo had barged unlawfully into this school during the afternoon and had begun engaging in a 'hat
collection' and after it went into the ears of the police when the police arrived on the scene, the students had tried to beat a retreat. However the police had pursued them and 14 such students were taken into custody. The vehicle in which the students had come too was nabbed by the police.

The students were produced before Fort Magistrate yesterday itself and 5 of them were released on bail furnished by their parents while the balance 9 students were ordered to be detained at the Makola Detention Camp until forthcoming 17th, by the magistrate. The Colpetty Police reported particulars about these students to the Principal of Royal College and it was observed that the majority of these students happened to be children whose fathers were lawyers, police officers and those of security units.

In the meantime, the second incident that was reported was something that happened close to Museus Girls' School. A group of over 20 Royalists had approached girls of Museus College during the afternoon and had created some commotion when the police had surrounded the Royalists and subsequently some students were taken into custody. A son of a supreme court judge and a son of a Minister too were among the arrested, it was reported and unofficial sources reveal that because of the mediation of a high official, these two sons of the aforesaid elite class the students were able to scrape through from custody.

As a result of 'Big Match Fever' which has created this turbulent atmosphere, a number of girls' schools in Colombo have requested the police for protection and it was reported that this special protection is afforded only for these days.
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