Bank Manager who cheated 4 lakhs of spinster aged 50 ....

Bank Manager who cheated 4 lakhs of spinster aged 50 ....  by loving her across phone

Bank Manager who cheated 4 lakhs of spinster aged 50 ....

by loving her across phone

An incident where a lady who was having hopes of marriage through a proposal involvement since her marriage had been delayed was cheated for a sum of money amounting to over 4 lakhs was
reported from Gampaha area. As reported, the incident had taken place in this manner:

A certain person who had seen an advertisement inserted by a female, a spinster aged 50 years from Gampaha had telephoned her. Having discussed matters with her he had stated that he is a bank manager. He had said that his first marriage had been unsuccessful and had given his consent to marry her after extracting her details. He had explained that since he is having a busy schedule it is not an easy task to meet her; but had kept on an attachment with her by romancing over the phone, continuously. In this manner he had for several months exchanged information with her so as to win her heart and in the process she had invited him for a confrontation many a time and on each such occasion he had replied saying that he is involved with this and that work; postponing such appointments.

In the meantime he had said that he is to return a loan taken, rather urgently and asked for a loan of Rs. 1 lakh and 90,000 which she too had promptly agreed to and credited to the account he had given her. Even after that he had maintained the connection and had told her that he would repay the money. Even on a number of other occasions too he had requested for money from her giving bogus excuses. In this way he had obtained over Rs. 4 lakhs from her, but had never gone to meet her. What he had always mentioned was that he would be coming to Gampaha in the near future.

The lady who developed a suspicion about this as time passed by had then proceeded to the private bank branch where the person was supposed to be employed. When checking the name-board of 'manager' to see whether her lover's name was there, her suspicions were dissolved because his name did not appear there. However on the first day that she made this visit the bank manager was not in and therefore she has had to return home, On another day when he had asked for a big sum of money, she had responded saying that she would come to his bank and deliver it on which occasion he had actually got clueless; in which instance her suspicions had then aggravated. In that instance this lady had once more gone to that bank and on confronting the manager there he had said that there had been some misunderstanding and that he is not the anticipated person she is looking for. The 'genuine manager' had even stated that the said telephone numbers are being used only by him. The lover in fact had personified this 'real manager'.

The lady who ultimately realised that this was a fraud then had made a complaint to Malwathuhiripitiya Police. On investigations conducted by the police it was revealed that this main suspect was not at all a bank manager but that he was only an office assistant. It was also exposed that he had of course got down the money from the lady to another person's account. The two suspects who were maintaining the bank account were thus arrested by the police after that. Further judicial action is to proceed in future regarding this.
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