The letter written by the Jaffna student before it was found by Police published in Tamil web site

Before the letter written by the Jaffna student was found by Police published in a Tamil web site 
 The letter written by the Jaffna student before it was found by Police published in Tamil web site

It is learn and reported that the letter  supposed to have been written by the Jaffna student before he committed suicide the contents of the letter had been published in  a  LTTE Tamil web site maintained
 in Zurich, Switzerland.

This web site is learned to be owned by the brother of Tamil National Alliance member of Parliament.The copies of this letter had been distributed in Kopay area and one person had been arrested Kopay police  in this regard.

In the meantime as this Tamil letter had been translated to English was what had caused a tremendous amount of suspicion has been reported by police intelligence service. It is also suspected as this matter has come to light when the CHOGM was in progress in MALTA..

The police intelligence services suspect that the Jaffna student would not be able to write such a letter in English.
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