Fonseka too paid by Avant Garde - Kamal Gamage

Fonseka too paid by Avant Garde - Kamal Gamage

Fonseka too paid by Avant Garde - Kamal Gamage

The association of the employees of Avant Garde who lost their jobs had their annual get together at the Vihara Maha Devi Park open air
on the 04th instant.

At this get together the convenor of the association of the employees of Avant Garde who lost their jobs Kamal Gamage had given a speech. In his speech he had  pointed a finger at Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka and added that although he is now finding fault with the Avant Garde floating armoury he had accepted a sum of rupees  million fifty odd from Avant Garde as well as two jeeps that were presented to him..

The convenor Kamal Gamage had also quipped that the personal assistant of Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka retired colonel Kapila Ratnayake had received many privileges from Avant Garde.In addition he had been paid a sum of rupees 15 lakhs every month was what he had added further.

In addition the rent for his office premises had been paid by Avant Garde  and the personal assistant had been provided with vehicles on several instances and the proof of these had been shown to the media via sms messages and through voice tapes by the  union.
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