Pin Pong's house burgled, loses one million

Pin Pong's house burgled, loses one million

Pin Pong's house burgled, loses one million

It is reported that some thieves who had broken in to  the  house famous actor  Rajitha Hiran alias Pin Pong at Uyana Road in
Lunawa Moratuwa  had escaped with a sum of nearly one million consisting of jewellery and cash by ransacking his Amirah.

It is reported that on Friday  Pin Pong had left for work along with his daughter, mother in law and father in law in the morning. Pin Pong had lodged a complaint at the Moratuwa Police that in the afternoon on that day thieves had burgled his house by ransacking the Amirah.This had been revealed when Pin Pong had returned home at around 6.30 pm  with his daughter, mother in law and father in law on that day when it was found when the Amirah was broken and the thieves had ransacked it.

The things that were robbed included jewellery, some foreign currency notes and local currencies which are estimated to me around nearly  rupees ten million.The bulb in that room had been switched on and the thieves had failed to put is off and the thieves had run away it was reported by Pin Pong.
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