Media reporter assaulted when he went to report an accident involving bank officers
Some bank officers of a private bank who had been travelling in a car after consuming liquor
had gone off the road and thrown out of the road in the Anuradhapura area on the 26th night. Two media reporters had gone to the scene of the accident to report on the accident. A complaint has been lodged by one media reporter in the Anuradhapura Police station that he was assaulted with a pole by the bank officers.
The car in which the bank officers attached to a private bank in Anuradhapura had travelled had fallen into a drain close to the Anuradhapura fuel storing depot. The two media reporters had gone there to take photographs of the car and to report on this incident.
These bank officers had said " you need not worry about us. if you publish them in the newspapers we will deal with you". Then after threatening in this manner had assaulted one of them with a pole.The bank officers had been in a drunken state when they threatened the media reporters.Some persons who were at the scene had prevented the media officers in been beaten.
It is reported that these bank officers who were drunk had been travelling in the Anuradhapura town area in a reckless manner and even had not heeded to the instructions of the traffic police personnel.They had sped passed them and gone past the Jaffna junction and again turned towards the town when at a bend had not been able to negotiate the bend and fallen into a drench.
It is learnt that the driver of the vehicle had been drunk and when the entry was lodged had confessed that a bit sober officer had driven the car. The officers of the Anuradhapura Police station had come to the scene and had taken away the vehicle under police custody.two of those who travelled in the car who had attempted to assault the media reporters also had been taken in to obtain statements.
A few others who were drunk had come to the Police station had slowly slipped away from the Police station.