Good Governance government has deprived 24 Members of Parliament from travelling abroad

Good Governance government has deprived 24 Members of Parliament from travelling abroad

 Good Governance government has deprived 24 Members of Parliament from travelling abroad

The former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had quipped that the good governance government had deprived 24 Members of Parliament including himself in travelling abroad. This he had said
addressing a gathering on the 27th instant after he had attended to a 'pooja' at the Matara,Mawarala, Sri Muththu Marie Amman  devalaya.

He had said that to defeat terrorism and extremism a huge sacrifice had to be made.This freedom is now been made use of my the people in the North much more than those in the Matara and southern cities. During the tenure of the present government nothing has been done yet for one year.

All development activities that the previous government had commenced have been stopped.There is nothing that could be said about the budget 2016.In the nest three months people will start to realise when the prices of all goods will increase. He also had added that as a government what needs to be done is to work for the benefit of the people instead of finding faults of the persons who served in the previous government.
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