It was only he who consoled me who lost in the elections ....
Nobody from the field of Arts or politics would come for our wedding
Paba speaks about the second marriage which will take place next month
It was in the year 2011 that popular tele actress Upeksha Swarnamali's first marriage came to an end creating a sensation in the country mixed with many unpleasant memories. After that though
much information was published that she had many connections with various people, she did not enter into another marriage for a period of 4 years.
She of course confirmed recently when she participated at an interview with the rupavahini that her wedding would be held next January and that only a limited number of guests would be invited and that it would be a second wedding which would not be given publicity. Upeksha who declined to give details about the marriage for the reason that if all that were exposed conspiracies that bring blemishes on her life could take place across media in the internet. So saying she postponed talking about it for a later date.
Upeksha who tried to strengthen the hands of Mahinda by contesting on the UNP ticket at the General Election in 2010 faced defeat at the last General Elections and she mentions that most persons who were close to her happened to look the other way after the defeat. Whatever it is, she records that the only person who was there to console her in that instance is the person who is prepared to take her hand in marriage. This is what she mentioned at the interview:
"Next year my wedding will take place. But I don't like to talk about it much. During the first few days that I came to Sri Lanka I rattled out to anyone who would ask me, like a parrot. Because of that I had to face a number of problems. Because of that I avoid giving information as such. But until the proper time comes ... I don't tell much. That's because just as much as we have a crowd who love us .... there's a crowd who are jealous and revengeful on us. After that they make plans to block our progress. There's a group of people operating on a professional level who are engaged in drawing a salary from the internet and take steps to destroy our name. I'll be holding a celebration for my wedding ... in a very small way. It'll be only those who are very close who'll be coming. Those connected to the Arts or politics will not be invited. Because if one is invited, the other person cannot be avoided. Nothing will be done traditionally. It'll be only our registration that will be carried out.
I am someone who gained a large amount of experience within a very short span of time. This romance I started also with the blessings of my mother. I must say one thing. I lost at the elections. The most valuable thing I learned then was that all opportunists turned away from my life. But this person .... that is the partner who is to marry me ... it was at that time that he approached me keeping his spine straight and told me, "Upeksha, let's marry" and spoke straight like that by dedicating himself to me. I can say at this moment in public that it was his greatest quality".