How Wijeydasa family went with Nissanka's family to America's Disneyland ....

How Wijeydasa family went with Nissanka's family to America's Disneyland ....

Photos as evidence by Fonseka

Sometime back a certain misunderstanding had cropped up between Minister of Justice Wijeydasa and Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka over the allegation that the Minister stood his
ground in a partial manner concerning the issue relating to Avant Garde owner Nissanka Senadhipathi. The Minister had even said that he would file action claiming millions for having defamed him.

Because of some photographs Field Marshal Fonseka produced to the media at a news briefing held in Colombo today as evidence, this dispute has now turned into a heated situation. At the news briefing he said that members of MP Wijeydasa's family and members of Senadhipathi's family had engaged on a tour in America's Disneyland and then he went on to produce several photos which depicted them travelling in a limousine type of vehicle and photos taken on other occasions as well. He further mentioned that though Mr. Wijedasa had denied having met Mr. Nissanka Senadhipathi any day, it confirms that the Minister had in fact toured with him in this manner. Mr. Fonseka reiterated that the Minister should divulge to the entire nation about that intimate connection. Mr. Fonseka who then displayed the photographs on a screen, began to explain those one by one.

Whatever it is, photos which could be suspected as Wjeydasa and Nissanka Senadhipathi appearing together are only slight in appearance. Some were those clicked by Nissanka. In most of them, it could be observed  Nissanka's wife too appearing in them. Photographic evidence forwarded by Mr. Fonseka, from below

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