The object that is due to land in the sea on the 13th instant is just a part of a space shuttle

The object that is due to land in the sea on the 13th instant is just a part of a space shuttle

The object that is due to land in the sea on the 13th instant is just a part of a space shuttle

The experimenting scientist Saraj Gunasekera attached to the Arthur C Clarke space foundation in Moratuwa had quipped that the object that is to land in the southern sea 60 kilometres off Hambantota is only a part of a space shuttle.

He had confirmed that this hollow object is not a part of any planet and is only a part of a space shuttle and it is an object travelling from west to east.The time it is to land in the southern sea is between 11.48 ..30 seconds and 11.49...20 seconds in the morning.The experimenting scientist at the Arthur C Clarke space foundation Saraj Gunasekara had said that the exact time this object would land could be told on the 10th or the 11th instant as it mat vary owing to the density prevailing in the atmosphere.
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