The 17 year old student from Koadeniyawa demands Rs 1 billion from Police

The 17 year old student from Kotadeniyawa demands Rs 1 billion from the Police

For the rape and murder of the five year old Seya Sadewmi of Kotadeniyawa a 17 year old student had been taken in to custody on suspicion by the Kotadeniyawa Police.During the time the 17 year
old student was in custody he had been mercilessly assaulted by the Police personnel ,He also had been hung and beaten and photographs taken in nude.

In this connection the 17 year old student has filed a human rights petition at the Supreme Courts today for this cruel act of Police Personnel and for the insult and injury caused to him claiming a sum of rupees one billion as damages from the Police.

The human rights petition had been filed  by the student's attorney at law Theeshiya Weragoda.The attorney at law filing this case had quoted that the Police had arrested him on fake charges and had beaten mercilessly and caused a terrif pain of mind. In the petition it is stated to award  him a substantial sum as damages according to what the supreme courts decides.The respondents in this case are the Officer In Charge of the Kotadeniyawa Police station, the Inspector General of Police,the Attorney General and some others.
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