Police focus attention on Udul ....

Police focus attention on Udul ....  who is trying to exonerate Kondaya who is a juvenile offender!

Police focus attention on Udul ....

who is trying to exonerate Kondaya who is a juvenile offender!

It is now reported that the police are preparing to take action against Attorney-at-Law, Udul Premaratna who is a convenor of the old school and appearing on
behalf of Dunesh Priyashantha alias Kondaya the latter of whom has made a name for himself over the Seya murder incident. Though Mr. Premaratna has told the media recently that there are no child abuse allegations against Dunesh against he latter who is being detained in custody as a suspect in the Kotadeniyawa Seya murder case, the police say that an incident where Dunesh had entered a house in Beraliya, Bemmulla area on 23-06-2010 and had tried to abduct a 15 year old girl was reported and after being taken into custody over the offence he had been produced in courts in which instance he had admitted his guilt for the offence. Under such circumstances he had been ordered a suspended jail sentence of 20 months in addition to two fines of Rs. 1500 each being convicted of the offences of entering by force and abduction. The police further say that the sentence was suspended until 2018 and that the lawyer namled Udul had gone to the extent of exonerating him and had displayed photographs on his back and in order to oppose the police, he is even making arrangements to organise media meetings against them.

Under this situation as the role of a lawyer of Mr, Premaratna cannot be condoned, the Police Media Spokesman has informed that discussions are taking place as to what course of action is to be taken regarding him. Lawyer Udul had on a previous occasion when an incident of an assault by a policeman came to be popular across the internet in which instance a female engaged in prostitution in Ratnapura area was highlighted, he had taken measures to show his opposition against the police.
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