Hereafter cups of tea cannot be served by mixing sugar

Hereafter cups of tea cannot be served by mixing sugar

Hereafter cups of tea cannot be served by mixing sugar

A directive has been issued by the Ministry of Health to all hotels, restaurants and canteens that hereafter sugar cannot be mixed and given to
customers with tea but the requirement of sugar has to be determined by the customer. Hence along with the cup of tea a container or a tray of sugar has to be served to enable the customer to add the quantity of sugar he or she requires.

In parallel to the world Diabetes day  which falls tomorrow the 14th this rule is to be implemented. This has been revealed by the Director General of Health services consultant physician Doctor Palitha Maheepala.

In this regard all Directors of Health Services, District Directors of Health services, Heads of Health Institutions, All Medical Officers of Health, Medical Officers in Charge of Municipal councils have been issued with these circulars. This action is to be taken in order to protect the health of people and to allow them to lead a healthier life.

It has been advised to attach a sticker on the sugar trays to the affect that minimum sugar should be consumed to avoid  a diabetes situation which is injurious to healthy living.

In this connection in all government institutions, at workshops , meetings and at functions this rule would have to be implemented strictly and when offering tea, coffee and milk tea.It has also been warned in parallel with the World Diabetes Day not to use too much sugar , too much salt and too much oil when food items are prepared in school canteens from tomorrow the 14th instant.
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