The protests of Mahinda faction squashed
Yesterday when former president Mahinda Rajapaksa,former media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella,General manger of the Independent Television network, the Deputy General Manager of the Independent Television
network were summoned to the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to investigate into serious acts of fraud & corruption, abuse of power,state resources and privileges ( PRECIFAC) for the non payment of around rupees 1115 lakhs of rupees to the ITN for propaganda work of the presidential race the lawyers had protested against the eligibility of the Members of the commission to carry out the proposed investigations.
However it was proved to be a legal commission and it was decided to continue with the investigations. The protest was made as in a presidential commission it should be headed by a judge of the Supreme Court. However it was headed by a Chief Magistrate could serve in such a commission is not valid.
But the head of the commission had conveyed that is not an issue to conduct investigations. The former president had been summoned to the commission and questioned today. When the former president had been questioned that a sum of rupees 100 million is owed to the ITN what he had said was it is not he is responsible but the party .The former general secretary of the United Peoples Freedom Alliance and the current Minister Susil Premajayantha has added that he is unaware of any of those transactions.