Pilleyan who was summoned to take a statement by CID arrested

Pilleyan who was summoned to take a statement  by CID arrested 

In connection with the murder of Member of Parliament Joseph Pararajasingham who was shot day on a Christmas day the former Chief Minister of Eastern Province Sivaneshthurai Chandrakanth alias Pilleyen was summoned to the CID on the 11th instant to obtain a statement. It is reported that after

the statement was recorded he had been arrested by the CID.

In connection with the murder of the former Member of Parliament the Police has taken into custody two former LTTE activists.
After the arrests  Police group had visited Batticaloa area in the morning and had searched for him at the residence of his sister.As he was not found the Police group had returned to Colombo.

However Pilleyan had surrendered to the CID with a lawyer the same evening. It is reported that Pilleyan had been detained as he had to be questioned elaborately.
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