Mysterious planet to travel close to earth today

Mysterious planet to travel close to earth today

Mysterious planet to travel close to earth today 

European Astronomical experts have revealed that the  mysterious planet about 400 metres in width is to travel close to the earth today the 31st
instant. They have confirmed that it will not  collide with the moon or the earth. Hence have informed all people not create any chaos as it would  not harm anyone.

In this connection the ministry of science, technology and Research had issued a notice to the public as follows:

The mysterious planet is 400 metres in width and would be travelling further away in the atmosphere.It will travel a distance of 1.3 the distance between the moon and the earth.The speed at which it travels is 35 kilometres per second.This planet would not collide with the moon and the earth and hence there to need for anyone to panic.

The number given to this planet is 2015TB125.On the night of Saturday this planet would move in the background of the "Dadayakkara" star. The space scientists have said that this could not be visible to the naked eye. But it could be viewed when observing through a  telescope with a 8 inch or more circumference.

Another such planer would travel close to the moon in the year 2027.It would be 800 meters in width it is told.

In addition as informed earlier on the 13th November a part of a space shuttle it to land in the sea 65 kilometres  of the sea in the south.This is relatively smaller in size is around 2 meters in length and is supposed to be a part remaining from a spacecraft sent to the moon.At that time the sea shore in the southern coast may have the tendency to lower a bit.

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