Drug distribution centre in Gothatuwa

Gothatuwa dispensary which rescues drug-addicts ...

 a drug-centre!         

It has been exposed from a raid conducted by police that a dispensary in Gothatuwa Area in Welikada which had been carried on under the guise of treating those who were addicted to illegal drugs had instead of rescuing drug-addicts from it had on the other hand engaged in operating a drug
distribution centre.

Drug-addicts from various quarters had been patronising this place under the pretense of getting treatment and it is said that the doctor of this dispensary had on such occasions been prescribing a type of tablet. Whatever it is, these tablets too are of the intoxicating variety and was a drug that does not cost that much either, it was said. By and large people have become accustomed in frequenting this place once and again in order to buy these tablets. It has been revealed to the police that drug-addicts had been coming here at evening time every day when these tablet packets were supposed to be sold and they would go away after hiding them inside their underpants. 

The police who raided this place after complaints received from members of families of drug-addicts that suspicious activities were taking place here were able to take into custody a large number of tablets which could not be specifically identified as tablets of an intoxicating type. These have been forwarded for examination by now. Though the person who is supposed to be a doctor who carried on this dispensary had presented relevant documents to prove that he is someone who is registered with the Medical Council, the police said that they would conduct inquiries regarding same.  

A mother of a certain drug-addict who revealed information to the police about this outlet had said that her son who after using these drugs on coming home would say that he sees the television upside down and had destroyed it by dashing it on the ground and that when she complained about it to the doctor concerned, he is supposed to have responded saying; 'that is the nature of those things".

The police added that future investigations would be conducted over the type of tablets so issued by this doctor and the results would be forwarded to courts.
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