Uda Walawe student's murder ....

Uda Walawe student's murder

Uda Walawe student's murder ....

A case of murder for having loved  the 'same flower'

The girl had not even given the okay

A case of a schoolboy murder was reported from Uda
Walawe area where a conflict between two young people had gone beyond limits.

The police had received a complaint a few days back that the student Hasitha Eranjana Lakshan who was studying in year 11 of Uda Walawe Colambageaara Maha Vidalaya was missing and that he had not returned home after going to a tuition class. The complaint had been lodged by his householders.

Later the dead body of this student was recovered from a forest of teak trees. The reason for this murder incidentally happened to be one connected to a romance. This 17 year old student and a three-wheel driver aged 21 years had been in love with the same girl and for this reason the latter three-wheel driver had dealt a blow to the student after which he had passed away. This deceased student had strived to start a love affair with a student of about 17 years of age . Though there had been cordial relationships with him the girl had not expressed her consent to him. In the meantime a certain 21 year old three-wheel driver too has been trying to solicit her love. The girl had told this to the deceased student about this, thinking of her safety. As a result there had been several conflicts between the three-wheel driver and the student during the past few days.

Recently on the 14th of this month while this student was on his way to a tuition class the suspect and another 18 year old boy had ambushed the student by the roadside inside the three-wheel. Later, they had called the student to solve this matter and had thus taken him in the three-wheeler and subsequently attacked him . It is understood that the schoolboy's neck had been severed while inside the vehicle itself and had murdered him. For this purpose they had made use of a knife. After killing the schoolboy this way he had been dumped into the forest and they had made their escape.

The chief suspect, together with the the suspect who aided and abetted him in this crime and the three-wheeler had been taken into custody by the police. After the schoolboy had died, his dead body had been taken and thrown into a jungle of teak trees and the three-wheeler had been washed from a lake about 200 metres away from that place. The suspect had admitted having thrown the blood-stained knife used in the crime a short distance away from the scene of murder.

The police also have questioned the girl who was indirectly connected to this incident. The girl has told the police that the suspect who drove the three-wheeler directly involved in the murder and the deceased schoolboy had for sometime been good friends and that though both of them had shown their love to the same 'flower', none of them were recipients of her love in return and so had not received a positive response from her.

The police are conducting further investigations.

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