Release young accountant who came with gold biscuits worth 5 crores .... hidden in underwear -- Secret order?

Release young accountant who came with gold biscuits worth 5 crores ....  hidden in underwear -- Secret order?

What hit the headlines of newspapers last week was the incident of a Sri Lankan female Accountant who arrived in Sri Lanka from Dubai being nabbed by the Customs for having a stock of 100 gold biscuits worth about Rs. 5 crores hidden in her person.
But there are signs that this incident is being diverted in another direction now because of an order that came from higher authorities.

This lady who introduced herself as an Accountant had arrived here concealing these 10 kilos of gold biscuits in the secret parts of her body, was wearing a pair of spectacles and had a slim body and had come to the airport conversing in English. Though she had said that she is a CIMA qualified person and had laughed with the investigating officers  with an attractive high voice and thus tried to make a getaway, the Customs officers who were preinformed of a clue about her were able to get hold of the gold which she had been hiding in a clever manner. In fact she totally detested her body being inspected saying that it could demean her dignity had made a big fuss about it. However, the officers on the other hand took steps to have her searched by a lady investigator. On that occasion it was possible to extract the gold biscuits one by one which she had been hiding in her underwear. Her face then changed and she had accepted her guilt.

However, the latest situation regarding this incident has created a certain suspicion to others. Even after the Customs Officers used tiring efforts and managed to catch her and even after she admitted her guilt, she was not fined and the gold confiscated as the adopted usual procedure is and the investigations concerned in this respect have been diverted to a different department on orders received from high. That is to the Central Investigation Unit in Colombo attached to the Customs. It is also reported that the investigating officers who joined in this inspection are not pleased with this decision. Whatever it is, what the higher officers have said was that since this was a fraud which involves a sum of over 100 lakhs, the case was directed for further investigation about it to that unit. But a suspicion that this was an attempt used to escape the issue via the high connections involved has now cropped up. 

It has been confirmed from her documents that this young lady who flew to Sri Lanka from Dubai had been moving up and down between Dubai and Sri Lanka 14 times and on inquiries made at a later stage it came to light that during the 6 months of last November and May she had been travelling to and fro from Dubai and Colombo 34 times. Since travelling so many times could give rise to suspicion, she has very cleverly kept on changing her passport numbers. Though she has said that she was an Accountant by profession at the time she was apprehended, the point as to whether it is possible to go here and there on 34 occasions during a period of 6 months and simultaneously stick to her job has itself created doubts. 

As the price of gold in Singapore and Dubai is comparatively less, racketeers who in most instances bring gold to Sri Lanka on the sly happen to melt the gold here in Sri Lanka and then send it to countries like India where a high value is paid for gold.  This is a racket that has been going on for sometime. This lady too who has come from Dubai could be a partner of this racket and the manner in which she has been able to hide a quantity weighing so much as 10 kilos within her underwear is something that creates amazement in another's mind. What she said at the time she was nabbed was that an outside party had forced her to bring the gold. But what the investigators say is that that statement is a common response of hoodwinking used and she may well be a main partner of that racket.

When considering matters in this perspective, who is this lady? With whom has she been carrying on the racket? These are areas that provoke suspicion. Whatever it is, it still has not been exposed as to how the future progress of this investigation would take place.

She has been remanded until next 22nd.
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