Did Madhu Madhawa get close to Nilmini ....

Did Madhu Madhawa get close to Nilmini because Muslim wife left him?

Did Madhu Madhawa get close to Nilmini ....

because Muslim wife left him?

A ceremony of lighting lamps was held under the patronage of former President Mahinda at Vihara Maha Devi Park for commemorating the Victory Day about a month before this. On
this occasion it was Madhu Madhawa the singer and former husband of Nilmini Tennakoon who was seated next to her holding her hands.

This scene became somewhat of a surprising picture for those associated with the media because numerous stories about their 'split' were constantly circulating. Nilmini who was legally separated from Madhu Madhawa had made various explanations herself by speaking to the media about harassment she had faced from him. After Madhu, Nilmini had entered into another marriage, but had abandoned it untimely while he has had a grand wedding with someone by the name of Renusha sometime back. However, it is learned that she had left him sometime back. Whatever it is, it is the wish of everybody that the unification of both of these artistes is so expected on behalf of their daughter Shvetha, on a human angle.

The two of them had given a hint about the new change by addressing a weekend newspaper sometime back. This is what Nilmini said about it: "That day I sat close to Madhu after 10 years. What prompted me to sit next to Madhawa was because of his lonely existence for one year. I know that most people want to know about this sitting next to each other. I have a responsibility over my husband. That day at that bodhi pooja former President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa was happy after seeing both of us next to each other. It is there that we spoke about that there is no strained relationships between the two of us now".

* If he gets another chance will you Nilmini accept him?
There are so many happenings like that all over the world. This person called Madhu is Shvetha's father .... my lover as well as my husband. Mistakes happen among people. If one keeps attacking continuously for those mistakes a person can become a cynic. Even Lord Buddha has said that constant revenge does not bring appeasement. The revenge which comes with love is very dangerous. We are human beings who understand things as adults. We should let time understand everything. There's nothing that's successful as much as a woman's first marriage or a man's first marriage in life.

Madhu Madhawa has made his comments on this matter in this manner: "Even at other times we met on behalf of our child. At those moments there were no photographers, media men. All of them were present at the Ranaviru Upahara Ulela where Mr. Mahinda attended. In any case at Mr. Mahinda's activities we frequently met. Whatever it is, there comes occasions when mothers and fathers have to get together.

* Then that means is it true that old misunderstandings have faded away?
In any case there were no animosities between the two of us. Whatever it is we are two who went in different directions. So two people who went in two directions stood up together for the sake of one thing. So what Mr. Mahinda also said was that it is better to be friendly than being the opposite.

* Don't you think that it's good that both of you get together on behalf of Shvetha?
There comes a time to get together .... on behalf of the child. Apart from that there's nothing to think of specially as such.

* Is is true that you're in sorrow over your new marriage?
It is exactly one year since my wife Renusha left Sri Lanka last August.

* Do you have hopes that Renusha will not return?
I can't say about it .... but I can't say that I would still wait.

Madhu Madhawa has told a radio channel that Renusha who is of a Muslim origin had not clicked with Madhu Madhawa's ideas about the Sinhala community. He suspects that because of the struggle he is involved in against Muslim extremists he does not expect her return.
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