Abstained from directing Tele drama’s as a group in Rupavahini had to be bribed - Malani
The Member of Parliament and the popular actress in
films and Tele drama’s legendary Malani Fonseka had added that she refrained from directing Tele drama’s as there was an organised gang in the state Rupavahini Corporation who wanted bribes for telecasting them. Hence she never opted to direct Tele dramas.
Malani Fonseka had added that in the past certain Tele Dramas were telecast immediately in a day or two once they were handed over to the national television. She had added that she was against such tactics. Hence even Tele dramas which were inferior in quality were telecast in the national television. She also had quipped that they never listened to her and continued the practice of taking bribes from the directors.
She also had added that some of those in the gang are still working in the state Rupavahini Corporation. She had made a plea from the administrators not to allow them not to repeat such acts.
She also added that owing to this reason even Tele dramas that she acted in also were not telecast.The reason was that as she protested against their acts and also as she never gave them bribes.
She also had said that in order to have Tele dramas telecast a certain Minister in the previous government was accused of taking money and also sexual bribes for telecasting Tele dramas.