It is we who kept the foundation stone

It is we who kept the foundation stone

"It is we who kept the foundation stone ....

it's somebody else who's opening

Geetha goes into a frenzy (video)

A ceremony was held to mark the opening of the building
for the technology lab at Ananda Vidyalaya day-before-yesterday in Elpitiya, Galle. On that occasion a tense situation has arisen because of the upset created by provincial council member Geetha Kumarasingha.

Geetha Kumarasingha who popped in without an invitation to this ceremony which was held with Mr. Gayantha Karunatilleka, Minister of Mass Media and Information taking pride of place occupied a seat close to the Minister by force and later demanded for a speech and expressed in the presence of the students:                                                                                                                    

"It was I who got the money for this lab. The provisions were obtained by telling the former President and former Minister of Education. But my name is not there even in the plaque and not even a speech to be made. Terrible lies has been mentioned that this was made at the request of Akila Viraj. I have not even been invited in the least. These are the works of ticks that dwell on the body of each and every fellow who comes into politics".

Ultimately Geetha finished her speech and taking her handbag went away with great speed. What Minister Gayantha Karunathillaka said by addressing the audience was that the change in political parties change on the desires of the masses and therefore experiences such as this have to be faced but that on behalf of school children any government would work for them and it is the duty of everyone to take politics in to the school. 

How Geetha arrived at the ceremony and how the speech was made, from the video BELOW 

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