2 year old child meets with tragic death after falling into potato curry at almsgiving house

2 year old child meets with tragic death after falling into potato curry at almsgiving house

2 year old child meets with tragic death .....

after falling into potato curry at almsgiving house

A tragic incident of a small child aged just 2 years and 3 months
falling into a heated potato curry which had been prepared at home, having passed away after receiving burn-injuries is reported from Girandurukotte area.

The deceased child had attended an occasion of an almsgiving in a relative's house with the father and mother and when the relatives called to serve the meals which had been prepared in the kitchen when the child's mother had proceeded to the kitchen accompanied by the child at the moment when the meals had been kept on the floor there and were being dished out from each receptacle, the child concerned had approached from behind and in that instance the deceased apparently had somehow or other lost his footing and thus ended up with the child falling into the heated potato curry receptacle which had a moment ago been kept down from the hearth.

Even at that moment the mother who was pregnant was not in a position to rescue the child instantly and the child screaming with burn injuries was somehow taken out and with the assistance of those in the house was taken to hospital. Initially after being admitted to Mahiyangana Base Hospital, later the child was transferred to Peradeniya Children's Hospital for further treatment. However, because of the serious injuries sustained, the child's life was in suspense. Even though the child was kept in the Intensive Care Unit and treated there the child passed away most tragically after 2 days after the accident, last 19th.

The deceased child was Weerasuriya Aarachchilage Venula Nishan Ekanayaka who was living at No. 131 Meegahahena in Girandurukotte aged 2 years and 3 months. This accident had occured at an almsgiving ceremony held at Palamanhandiya area in Minipe where their relatives were living. The mother with baby and father of the child and the relatives too were in serious shock over this unexpected accident. The Peradeniya Police has obtained statements from both the parents of the child.

Report -- Mahiyangana Ranjith Karunaweera
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