Yoshitha Rajapaksha to Colombo Crime Department

Yoshitha Rajapaksha to Colombo Crime Department

Yoshitha Rajapaksha to Colombo Crime Department!

Second son of Ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa has been called today to Colombo Crime Department.

Senior Police Superintendent of the Crime Investigation Department, Roshan de Silva stated
that Yoshitha Rajapaksa would be summoned to record a statement concerning the incident where a small airplane was found at Narahenpita Economic Centre.

When this small airplane was found last January 13th at Narahenpita Economic Centre in an old condition, the information that was revealed at that time was that it had been presented to Yoshitha Rajapaksa by prominent film director Chandran Ratnam. It had been retained at a storeroom used by the CSN Channel. It was also expressed by the media that Yoshitha had attempted to remove it from there with the motive of using it for purposes of decorating the garden. However, investigations in this connection is underway and the police point out that retaining a light airplane in that manner without a license is an issue. 
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