Will be more than contented with the MP's salary,sans benefits to Minister - New Fisheries Minister Amaraweera

Will be more than contented with the MP's salary,sans benefits to Minister - New Fisheries Minister Amaraweera

Will be more than contented with the MP's salary, sans benefits to Minister - New Fisheries Minister Amaraweera

The newly appointed Minister of Fisheries Mahinda
Amaraweera participating in a media conference at the SLFP headquarters has quipped that he would be more than contented  with the salary of a Member of Parliament and would not accept and utilize any benefits available to a Minister.

He had stressed that it is more important to serve the people and assist the President Maithripala Sirisena to fulfill his promises made in his presidential election manifesto and also help the government to lend whatever help he could to achieve goals in the 100 day programme.

He was furious when he heard that some Members of Parliament had hinted at him and others who joined the national government that he has taken a pound of meat in going there.He had retaliated that those who cast these remarks have taken not one pound but two pounds of meat and he would very soon would disclose about them to the country.

He also promised that he would plead not to allow harassment and victimize the supporters of the SLFPand would fight against injustice meted out to them.In that contest he would also make a loud voice in the parliament and in the parliamentary select committee.

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